Dna geography and the book of mormon videos

Dna and the book of mormon explained fulllength video youtube. Controversy, evidence, and two cumorahs the book of mormon is not intended to be a history book or a guide to geography, science, or any other secular topic. The standard of truth, 18151846, some concern has been expressed online and to us personally that the text of the book has expressed a preference against a heartland model of book of mormon geography. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence that proves the book of mormon. Dna research and mormon scholars changing basic beliefs. Does dna evidence prove the book of mormon is false. Geography moronis america the north american setting. Where does the book of mormon really take place and does it matter. Miraculous claims surrounding the coming forth of the book of mormon are an evidence of the prophetic calling of joseph smith.

It was released by the church to help explain how the book of mormon s credibility is not harmed due to recent dna evidence which concludes that the native americans are not the descendants of the book of mormon people, and to explain why the churchs credibility is not harmed due to having such a. The book of mormon claims native americans are descended from israelites. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence youtube. All opinions, speakers and presenters represent and express their own individual opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of firm foundation, book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. With all the stuff about race and the book of mormon being posted online, i thought id share some personal random thoughts, since im half navajo indian and this stuff seems to strike a. While the church has pinned its hopes on the work of limited geography apologetics, the essay makes no mention of geography at all. The book of mormon and lds prophets identify todays native americans as literal descendants of hebrews who traveled from jerusalem in 600. The book of mormon itself is the best source for understanding the geographical locations contained therein. Those interested in knowing more about dna and the book of mormon can find information on the fair website or on the fair wiki. Book of mormon geography, lands, map, dna true evidence. Dna evidence for book of mormon geography dna evidence for book of mormon geography. Critics intent on discrediting the restoration point to dna studies on indigenous american peoples in an attempt to expose joseph, the book of mormon, and the church of jesus christ of latterday. What does dna science have to say about this doctrine.

Book of mormon and the american indian dna scientists claim that cherokees are from the middle east book of mormon amazing historicity. Dna evidence for book of mormon geography, the original dvd introducing the heartland geography model, has been. Well documented facts, and he covered so many different aspects of evidence to back up his video presentation, aside from the compelling dna evidence, he used weather, animal migration, mapping, rivers, water bodies, descriptions from the book of mormon and matched them to the local geography. Dna markers do not always transfer and may easily be lost over a few hundred years through interbreeding, let alone thousands of years as they are testing in this film. The two big problems with the mesoamerican model for book of mormon geography are 1 there is zero evidence of the book of mormon narrative there and 2 the proponents insist joseph didnt know much about the book of mormon. Home book of mormon science, ancient history, and the book of mormon national geographic society statement on the book of mormon. Dont know much about book of mormon geography the faith. A clip from the dvd book of mormon and new world dna produce by us at fair. Dna, geography, and the book of mormon mormonism research. Sep 08, 2016 response to the essay book of mormon and dna studies in the rest of this article, we will comment on specific statements in the essay book of mormon and dna studies pertaining to what it says about the science of dna research as it applies to the issues raised by the book of mormon.

Dna evidence for book of mormon geography has been discontinued following over 60,000 copies being distributed over the past 7 years. The book of mormon geography and map with dna evidence and the location of lands and cities such as zarahemla, cumorah, the narrow neck, mexico, caribbean sea, american indians, and true evidence are all here. Book of mormon and dna studies as recent as 2005 i was taught by a 35 year old at the timemormon missionary from poland that american indians are the descendants of lamanites who decended from lehis rebel kids lamanlemuel etc. Many lds academics and theologians are now promoting a limited geography theory. Discussion of science as it relates to book of mormon geography and ethnic groups.

It is a book of scripture aimed at teaching people about christ and how to find happiness through the gospel. Critics of the lds church recently latched onto dna studies that point to a predominant asiatic origin to the american indians and conclude that the book of mormon cannot be an ancient record as claimed by joseph smith. For those interested, an overview of book of mormon geography and the various geographical models offered over the years is available on on the fair wiki. Internal book of mormon geography focuses on the relationships between lands and other geographic features, independent of where they might be physically located on todays maps. Dna research and mormon scholars changing basic beliefs lds researchers question mormon tenet that polynesians and native americans descended from israelite patriarch lehi. A number of investigators have used genetic and blood testing studies to show that native americans are related closely to the inhabitants of siberia. I am familiar with dna sequencing and testing including forensics and a couple of things bothered me about the premise of this movie.

New discoveries in dna research currently allow scientists to test this historical claim. Over the past several years there has been a lot of debate over dna and the book of mormon. Dna evidence of the book of mormon in north america, linking. One of the keys to understanding book of mormon geography is mormons use of up down and over to describe how they traveled. The mainstream scientific consensus about the origin of the ancient americans and peoples is at odds with the claims put forth in the book of mormon, though mormon apologists have made efforts to reconcile these contradictions.

A phylogenetic perspective, journal of book of mormon studies 121 2003. Dna and the book of mormon explained fulllength video. Dna evidence for book of mormon geography by rod meldrum dvd. In 2014 the church quietly published book of mormon and dna studies, an essay which distills an avalanche of mormon apologetics published solely in lds journals, and attempts to address population genetics. Nov 06, 2006 order the dvd at for more than 170 years, the church of jesus christ of latterday saints has declared the book of mormon to be a scriptural and literal history. It has been replaced with the new 2 dvd set the american promised land covenant, which is the scriptural basis for the heartland model geography. I have watched more than 20 hours of wayne may book of mormon lecture videos and conversed with both wayne may and rod meldrum in person. The book of mormon geography lands and map with dna evidence. Discovering the lost lands of the book of mormon book of.

Subtitled another testament of jesus christ, it recounts the story story of an israelite family who immigrated to and fully populated the american continents. I really like these episodes because it just shows to what lengths people will go to try to discredit the book of mormon. Dna evidence of the book of mormon in north america, linking native americans to the jewish population in the middle east. Dna and the book of mormon page 2 talkrational archive. Videos watch past wayne may presentations as he reveals the supporting evidences of the book of mormon as found in archaeology, geography and historical records.

The book of mormon and dna studies religious tolerance. Attacks on the validity of the book of mormon using dna data dna studies by two investigators. Order the dvd at for more than 170 years, the church of jesus christ of latterday saints has declared the book of. A study of these words alone can paint a very clear picture of what the ancient book of mormon terrain looked like. Regarding point 1, i have read all of sorensons works and most of what farms and the maxwell institute have. Mar 26, 2016 the material below covers the geography of the book of mormon in north america. Articles which do not invoke any type of limited geography in their discussion include. The lds church released an essay on their website titled book of mormon and dna studies. Jan 30, 2019 begun in 20, this series has addressed such problematic issues in mormonism as the conflicting first vision accounts, race and the priesthood, the book of abraham, the lds doctrine of becoming gods, joseph smiths polygamy, josephs use of a seer stone in translating the book of mormon, and dna and the book of mormon. This article sets forth the churchs position on the location of book of mormon events.

Book of mormondna evidencegeography issues fairmormon. Page 2 dna and the book of mormon alternative science subforum. Okay guys, so in this episode were gonna tackle another book of warning conspiracy theory. This article discusses how to reconcile modern dna. For these same reasons, arguments that some defenders of the book of mormon make based on dna studies are also speculative. Attempts to resolve conflicts between the book of mormon and dna findings. Here are some posts from book of mormon evidence that i enjoy about book of mormon geography. I n the introduction of the book of mormon we read. The book of mormon teaches that these israelites are the principal ancestors of modernday native americans. Dna evidence for book of mormon geography documentarytube. The record gives an account of two great civilizations. Another testament of jesus christ, is true, not false. Your videos are one of the best resources ive seen in this regard.

Dna evidence for book of mormon geography by rod meldrum. The book of mormon and the new world dna deseret book. An excellent documentary by rod meldrum for new scientific support for the truthfulness of the book of mormon studying the correlation and verification through dna, prophetic, scriptural, historical, climatological, archaeological, social, and cultural evidence. Nothing is known about the dna of book of mormon peoples, and even if their genetic profile were known, there are sound scientific reasons that it might remain undetected. Book of mormon geography in the world of joseph smith. The result of research conducted over the course of two and a half years in scientific journals, books, and the scriptures. The church of jesus christ of latterday saints affirms that the book of mormon is a volume of sacred scripture comparable to the bible. The following essay is the official lds released essay entitled book of mormon and dna studies. The strongest evidence yet against the book of mormon. Sep 12, 2019 on book of mormon geography and demography. Anti mormon groups claim that a lack of dna evidence connecting the people of south and central america to the middle east is proof that the book of mormon is not a true record of jewish people in the new world. The church of jesus christ of latterday saints, book of mormon geography, gospel topics. Proposed book of mormon geographical setting wikipedia. In the past few years, dna studies have been used to provide what may be the strongest and most convincing evidence so far against the authenticity of the book of mormon.

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